Middle lane champions:
Middle lane is a more strategy based lane, filled with A LOT of poking (doing small mounts of damage easily regenerated.) and dodging, trying to exhaust your opponents' mana so there'll be minimum resistance when you go in for the kill. Middle lane... well to overrate it is kind of like chess in the concept but in reality thy're no where the same, in the middle lane it is sometimes better to NOT go in for the kill so you can have time to leave and come back with better gear due to your extended time alone killing off minions, those extra minoin kills giving you the needed extra 500G (Gold) that you may not need but is just the upper hand that would be liked to either cover and escape from a failed cutthroat attempt or to make that finishing blow just strong enough to get the kill. A few little tips and tricks I have to give you before I go are.
PLAY SMART: Do not rush under turret when you see that your opponent has low health. Most APC's have a snare or stun which WILL immobilize you allowing the enemy to get away and to have the turret do the enemy's dirty work giving your enemy a literal "free kill."
PLAY DEFENSIVE: Do not go all Brave Heart and rush in like no one's business because you WILL most likely die, unless you're Katarina or Akali (at level 6 when you have your ultimate ability.)
DISH DAMAGE: Most tanks in game do not expect the APC to be killing a lot due to the slow early game play so build a lot of AP damage so when those team battles come and the tanks are lacking magic resist you can rack up the kills so even when they get the magic resist items you can still break through and get kills. And with the increase of magic resist they will either be sacrificing armor or
damage and if they sacrifice armor then your ADC's can get in on the action as well.
Well I'm Leo Aka. Midnight420X signing off.