Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome to the Jungle!

You're welcome for that AMAZING Guns and Roses picture. But back on topic. Welcome Summoners! As you know me, I am Leo, or summoner: Midnight420X. Today we will be talking about the treacherous jungle. The jungle is kind of a neutral " no mans land " which is inhabited by neutral monsters that are alittle beefier than other minions them maybe proving alittle more formidable than the cannon fodder minions. There technically 4 jungle ares 2 for the blue team and 2 for the purple team. These jungles are usually occupied by a Jungler, or your roamer, someone who roams all lanes to give support by guerrilla warfare type ambushes securing kills for you or the lane. The jungle in habits these well neutral monsters that will not attack you unless inflicted damage upon by you now there are 5 normal camps 2 buff camps 1 epic camp and 1 legendary camp. This legendary pit which is occupied by the Baron Nashor which is a very formidable foe able to take down whole teams of players if they are a low enough level.

Baron Nashor (Scary-ish):
Some of the other monsters in the less Legendary categories are the Wraiths, Wolves, Golems, And the Wright. Which are alittle weaker than other monsters in the Jungle. The middle man or middle class of monsters in teh jungle include the Lizard Elder, Ancient Golem, and the Dragon. 2 of the 3 middle class monsters give buffs that are given fancy mystical titles while in reality it just boosts things like your mana regeneration or attack damage. One buff in particular is the buff that the Baron Nashor gives you an all around buff excluding armor, magic resist, attack speed, and movement speed. The Lizard Elder buff is a buff that adds a true damage (unblock-able damage) and adds a slight slow (reducing movement speed) to the enemy champion that you hit with a basic attack making this buff close to ideal for slaying a dominating or lacking enemy champion. In contrast to the Lizard Elder there is the Ancient Golem which instead of giving a attack buff and slow gives a great increase in mana regeneration and a slight ability cool-down (time taken before you are able to use that ability again.) A few jungle pointers for those interested in jungling, HELP YOUR LANES, ganking (surprise attacks) is KEY to making your lanes dominate at ALL TIMES. LET YOUR LANES KNOW HOW TO SET UP GANKS, Some players in opposite lanes do not know how to get their junglers attention to set up a gank on a low health champ of a higher level, so tell them to like type in chat for a gank or to ping (placing a way point/ signal) On the map to get your attention, and lastly the one I think is the most important. DON'T Be AFRAID TO TAKE INITIATIVE. Make your won ganks from time to time if you see that a lane is hurting or is just not getting anywhere. You want to get those lane turrets down and those inhibitors destroyed as fast as possible to get that quick win. But until next time summoners. Leo, signing off.

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