Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top lane: Tanks and Ganks

Welcome summoners it is I Leo Aka. Midnight420X  (alternate smurf account: Katsunei) and I'm coming to you with more knowledge to bestow. Today we will be talking about the top lane. The top lane usually holds the more beefy champions are held.

A few of the top laners:

Top laners are usually champions that can take quite the beating, or can bruise (deal a lot of damage constantly in casual intervals.) Most top laners include Xin Zhao (personal favorite), Nasus (another personal favorite), Fiora, Lee Sin, Renekton. Top laners are another important if not essential for a solid win. Top lane is one of my fovorite lanes cause you can carry a game without leaving that lane (for the lazy summoners) but I still highly recommend, if you are dominating your lane, to take leave from top for alittle to support your other lanes. But back to top lane, as an champion in top lane your main goal is to be strong enough to take damage and also have the power to dish back to keep them away or to even slay the aggressor or to even take your choice of prey. The significance of top lane well is pretty simple, just like every other lane it is to take down all three turrets and to destroy the enemy nexus, but also you're supposed to be able to take damage for long enough to have the ADC's to melt and or kill the enemy champions. In other words you're a meat shield that can (depending on the champion) also dish some serious damage. One thing that can indicate that you're a good top lane is whenever you walk into team fights later or towards the middle or come to a champion 1 on 1 is that the 1st thing they try to do is run, and if they do not run and try to fight you.... Give them a reason to, if you can do that the game will be a cakewalk end game.A few in depth tips I can give are. 

1. TEAMWORK: if you are top and you are doing well enough, you have the right to roam lanes and help others. Also help those in need even if you have low health, remember you're the tank you're meant to die if things get that bad, and if they do you'll be a problem and a half to take out giving the rest of your wounded time to get away.

2. BE FEARLESS: Sometimes there's a time to take risks and go for the 2 v 1 cause sometimes you can out chicken them. Taking on odds that are slightly in the enemies favor are not something you should avoid (if you have the skill for it.) A few well placed dodges and attacks can secure you a double kill.

3. TEAM BEFORE PERSONAL GAIN: Sometimes you have to let your teammates to have the kill because you're not the one that deserves and or even needs all the kills you're the shell of the walnut that the enemies is supposed to get past to get to the softer meat.

4. DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH HUBRIS (PRIDE): It's okay to be fearless and dive for a few kills (Dive: To go under a turrets range and take hits for a kill.) but DO NOT think you're god you cannot fight anyone at full health or multiple weaker enemies under a turret no matter how much damage or how much health you have.

And that's all I have for you today summoners, this is Leo Aka. Midnight420X signing off. Till' next time summoners.

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