Monday, December 9, 2013

Summoner's Rift Crash Course

Hellos summoners it is I Midnight420X again and I have come to you with another post about League. League is based off of 4 game types. The regular type of play called well summoner's Rift which is the regulation 5 versus 5 game play, Twisted Treeline, a more close quartered game play that makes for quicker games, Dominion, a more domination like type of game style, And last but not least, ARAAM. ARAAM's a random mode where the game gives you a random champion and if you have you can mulligan or re-roll your champ, which you get from winning games. Lets focus a little more on The Summoner's Rift though. This being the main game style, mostly on the Summoner's rift there are two teams of 5 on each side competing to take each others base Nexus, or the creep creator. Creeps ( or minions ) are smaller enemies that double as cannon fodder for the turrets, which we will get to later on. Over the course of the battle after taking the turrets in your lane you will notice a some what smaller Nexus like object.

The Inhibitor... Well inhibits or prevents the creation or spawning of super minions which are dangerous to take on even as a high level. These super minions stacking up more health than a normal level 18 champion and having similar damage to a level 18's. These super minions are a great threat overtime them being able to take down turrets fairly easily and also actually able to cut down other champions if you dare to fight them in numbers . 

Minions(Right and left) & Super Minion(Middle):

(Best picture i could find sorry.)

Now as I promised we will talk about the turrets. Turrets are the Npc's keeping the enemy champions running straight into your base and treating you like you owe them money. There are 3 turrets to a lane, 3 on top lane, 3 on middle, and 3 on bot. 2 (per lane) sit outside your base, and one sits just before the threshold on exit from your base. (per lane) There are also two turrets guarding the nexus and one hardcore dragon warrior looking turret that guards the summoner platform. (spawn point.)
Normal (boring) turret:

Nexus (less boring) Turret:
Summoners' Rift map:
(Sorry for the crappy images not many to choose from.)

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